Moving on... I couldn't stand to leave home this morning without completing this second part of the quilt associated with the Nyan Cat Quilt-Along Week 3 post. Seriously, it would have bugged me all day at work and I wouldn't have been able to concentrate. I'd be thinking about the fabric, just waiting for me to come and cut it.
So I got up this morning and decided, the heck with it, and here it is:
This part worried me a bit because it doesn't line up perfectly. I think that may be due to the fact that my 1/4 seam allowance is not perfect. Eh.
I'm going to keep going and not look back. I may have to revisit it to tweak something but for now, moving on.
Great job! I know what you mean about not getting a perfect 1/4". It took me forever to shell out the cash for a 1/4" foot so I wouldn't have to worry about it. Before that I would just ease and trim to make it work :B