If you are just catching up I have been participating in a Nyan Cat quilt along and I have to give mad props (yeah, I went back with that) to the young lady who presented this quilt along. She has a ton of fun tutorials on her site and this won't be my last one, not by a long shot.
When I first looked at the nine sections that I had completed I started to panic thinking that they wouldn't fit all together the way that I needed them to. I started pinning the sections together according to the quilt along instructions and I started feeling more at ease as I saw it all come together. I made sure to line up all seams where Nyan Cat's colors transitioned from one section to another and even though I know every quilter doesn't do this, I pinned every seam open so I could sew straight flat across it.
I think it paid off in the end but of course I'm partial to my own work so I'll leave it to you to decide.
The next step will be to make a backing. I really do not have any funds in my quilt jar (especially since I want to buy myself a machine within the next couple of months) so I think I will use fabric from my stash and from my scraps to craft up something.
I definitely want to make a multicolored binding like I did with my Iron Quilter 2 entry. The young lady who wrote the Nyan Cat quilt along also made a multicolored binding for her completed quilt.
I don't know how I am going to quilt it just yet but it will be interesting to say the least.
Moving right along, I am proud and happy to present my Nyan Cat quilt top which has been completely pieced together.