Happy Spring Equinox! Today is the first day of Spring!. It is a time for rebirth, renewals, and new beginnings.
What am I getting at? Yes, I'm baaaaack!
I have missed posting and blogging. The holidays swept me away and I neglected my blog! I have so much to update but I am making a list (and checking it twice...hey I am a Christmas baby, I HAD to throw that in) of the things I am going to post about so I can hold myself to some sort of blogging schedule over the next couple of weeks. Here is a sneak peek of what's to come!
Let's see what I have for a start....
- Nyan Quilt update and finish
- Iron Quilter update
- MIL quilt update(I finished it and sent it to her)
- Two baby quilts I made (1 finished, 1 in progress)
- My box of WIPs
- Oh, my NEW sewing machine that my darling sweetheart surprised me!
- The box of goodies that a colleague of mine gave to me (wait until you see this)
- The vintage sheets that another colleague gave to me (I think they're vintage)
- The pattern sale that I came upon at Joann Fabrics (even though I am a beginning sewer)
- The bags that I made over the holidays as well as the aprons
- My experience making vinyl/paper wallets from a tutorial on Martha Stewart's site
- The sewing swag I scored (say that three times fast) at Tuesday Morning
- The test coasters I made using bathroom tile and a tutorial from Pinterest
and seriously, there's more! I have been busy!
I'm considering moving my content over to my WordPress blog which is empty with default goobledegook so that is something that may also happen soon.
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